Truth table generator

Use : &&(and), ||(or), !(not), ^(xor)

K Map
K-map solver
2 variable k-map
2 var k-map

3 variable k-map
3 var k-map

4 variable k-map
3 var k-map
Don’t care conditions

The don't care combinations in the K-Map are denoted by an X (cross) symbol

While designing K-Map using SOP form, don't care conditions (X) are considered as 1, if it helps form the largest group, otherwise it is considered as 0 and are left during encircling.

While designing a K-Map using POS form, don't care conditions (X) are considered as a 0, if it helps form the largest group, otherwise it is considered as 1 and are left during encircling.

SOP/POS implementation using NAND
  1. First draw the circuit in SOP/POS form.
  2. Add circle at the output of each AND gate and input of each OR gate.
  3. Add or Subtract an inverter on ecah line that recives a circle in step 2.
  4. Eleminate the double inversion.
  5. Replace all bubble OR gate with NAND gate.

Example -

F (A, B, C, D, E) = A + (B’ + C) (D’ + BE’)

SOP/POS implementation NOR gates
  1. First draw the circuit in SOP/POS form.
  2. Add the circle at the output of each OR gate and input of each AND gate.
  3. Add or Subtract an inverter on ecah line that recives a circle in step 2 or 3.
  4. Eleminate the double inversion.
  5. Replace all bubble AND gate with NOR gate.

Example -

F = AC'+AB
